December Special Bonuses (And Badges) Granted

Did you qualify for our December Special Bonus? Did you? Then you must have already guessed where that additional 10% or 20% (depends on how prolific you were this December) that were just added to your “Next Payment” came from…

And that nifty Santa badge you just got? You didn’t get it for nothing. You’ve worked hard for it and you’ve earned it. Wear it proudly!

Happy publishing!

132 thoughts on “December Special Bonuses (And Badges) Granted

    1. Yea that happened to me. My acne article was supposed to be put on the health page and for some reason they put it on the shopping page so I feel cheated.

      1. Did you know that you can request relocation of your articles? Particularly when there is blatant error in placement, which seems to have happened in your case.

  1. I didn’t get a 20 percent increase.. I made 8 dollars and change before the bonus, now I only have 9 dollars and change.. I may be bad at math, but that doesn’t sound right?

      1. Post them everywhere means you can re-post them to different categories for larger viewership? Is that allowed? I’m sorry, I’m a newbie here. 🙂

      2. Yes, if you want to increase something by 20%, you multiply it by 1.2
        Or you can multiply it by 20% and then add that to the original number.

      3. hahahaha! thanks for making me laugh. haven’t laughed this hard for a very long time.

        8.21- original earnings
        0.2= 20%

        8.21 x 0.2 = 1.642 ( the 20% increase)

        8.21 + 1.642 = 9.852 (total and final earnings)

        i guess u guys need to reed a lot of BASIC MATH articles.

        happy new year and happy publishing to everyone!

        Triond, thanks for the badge!

      4. I find this to be the most amusing conversation I have ever read for a long time. Sounds like a Dickensian paragraph.

    1. When do you normally suppose to see your payments. Can you see them daily or do they wait until the end of the month when it’s time to get paid. This is my first time up here.

    2. Oh wow!! i’ve been featured today!!How exiitcng!! I love this blog . This was the first challenge I’ve had a chance to play along with and I was so happy with my card!! Thank you so very much!! Hugs xx

  2. I just recieved my badge this month of January after getting fve articles published. I joined this very month. Thanks alot. But one question, Why is my earnings not showing. That is show at the end of the month or what?

  3. Good Evening,
    Can you show me why I have only that certain amount shown on my earnings when I had earned the 20percent bonus? I took note of my total earnings as of dec 31 and today…I dont think any bonus has been added to it already. I would appreciate it very much if you could reply to my email add. Thank you.

      1. Sorry, ,my mistake… pls disregard my message below… I have based the bonus on the over-all earnings…It should be computed on Dec earnings which was already added.

        Now, it’s just right to say Thank YOU for the december bonus…


  4. I never got mines. look’s like next time you should add all the websites to the list instead of just websites that don’t have many articles publised on it.

    I’m leaving triond now. Worked so hard to publish my articles but seriously if you do this your messing up your own system. You’ll see gaming articles on Health Mad just so people can get the badge.

    You fault that im leaving. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!

    1. Yuk, you don’t have to be very mad at the management. When you have a retail shop and want a particular commodity to move, you have to offer incentives. Some sites like Gameolosophy and authspot attract young people but very few advertisers which makes very little business sense for promotions to be targeted at them in most cases.

  5. I don’t think there will be a January special since Triond hasn’t announced it yet. Before they always announced a special on the day before the first of a month.

  6. One of my articles is not registering reads. Going on past performance of similar articles it would have earned if the reads were registering. I have emailed you about it but have had no response so far. Could you look into this please? I would like the reads added, what it has made plus the 20% bonus as it was one of the 20+ articles I published in December. Thanks, in anticipation of for your help.

  7. I’ve been here a year now, and I’m still having fun. I’m not earning much but the earnings are slowly increasing.
    The badges are definitely an incentive, although I don’t really know why.
    I don’t know why you exclude certain sites from these promotions.
    Happy New Year.

    1. Let me pretend to help on this one. The sites chosen are those with the largest number of advertisers. A good businessman knows how to promote his best performing department for the good of the entire business and that is what the Triond management is doing. Would you rather they give us authspot where you can post 100 haiku in a day and attract no advertisers?

  8. The bonus was just enough to push me over $10 for the first time. So that’s another target made. Next target will be to earn £10 UK sterling in a month – so that’ll be $16 and a bit.

    1. That’s a great idea! And thanks for pniostg about your book today. I’ve been meowing at my human to buy this book for a while, and she is planning to make an amazon purchase this week. Now she can’t give me that ol’ “I forgot” excuse. WOOT! Can’t wait to read about Max!Nosetaps,Henry

  9. Love the badge, but the bonus was not too much. But I appreciate it. Now if only people will click on the adds. People, when you read stuff on this site, be kind and click on one add. I do.

    1. That is a violation of Adsense and you can get your account banned for asking people to click on you ads and just clicking ads to “help” people. The ads are for people who are actually interested in buying somethig.

    2. That is a violation of Adsense and you can get your account banned for asking people to click on your ads and just clicking ads to “help” people. The ads are for people who are actually interested in buying somethig.

  10. wowveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    what do i do
    with the fifty Badgyeeeeeeeeeeeee

    1. December 12, 2012 at 8:22 pmI’m trying to sperad my band’s facebook page to get more likes or fans and I’m having a hard time finding a good and effective way to sperad our page. Help please?

  11. I published 5 articles and I believe they were all on the specified websites, but I didnt get the badge or the bonus.

  12. Good Morning,
    I’m sorry but the total earnings shown on my dashboard as of dec31/2010 was this:
    content: $0.50
    next payment: $10.43
    googleadsense: $0.60
    then yesterday Jan 03/2011, it was only this:
    next payment: $10.61.
    If the 20% was added, I don’t think your computation was right because only a mere .18 cents was added.
    the 20% for $10.43 should be $2.09
    My total next payment earnings should be: $12.52
    Am I right?
    Please make the necessary correction on my dashboard.
    In the meantime, thank you for the nice december badge.
    I’ll thank you later for my much awaited bonus when my hard-earned bonus has already been reflected.
    Thank you and God bless. 🙂

  13. This is off topic but is there a way that when we comment on someone’s article we can have the option. like here, to receive replies?
    I like to know if someone has replied to something that I have said on their article without having to keep it open in a window.

    Thanks very much! & thanks again for the nifty badge 😀

  14. That’s really awesome! Nice and cool badge indeed..Thanks 2U Triond Team..Happy New Year (2011) and wish all of us good tidings with our lives. May everyone find success! cheers 🙂 🙂

  15. I mean for this month the views are sky rocketing and pay is tanking. Any reason why this is happening after every bonus month? I am publishing elsewhere also but not seeing these trends there. Any idea why?

    1. When I don’t check views 24 hours, the view counter seems to count lesser than when I check frequently. Don’t know why whatever happens with earnings vs. views here.

  16. I did get my badge and my bonus. Thanks Triond! Being fairly new to the site I am thankful for the honor. I look forward to the next bonus.

    1. What a wonderful idea. There are a lot of reetird people in my village and one of them is currently very worried about the possibility of having dementia. She spoke ot me about it and all I could do was tell her I forget things too. But that wasn’t very hepful and I’d like to be able to do something that is.

  17. Awesome! I got about $9.6 bonus for this special and I don’t even need to work hard. Way to go! Looking forward for the next special. I hope it involve views achievement rather than article count.



  18. Hello Triond. I was wondering if I could still receive this badge, because I submitted 5 articles on websites that qualify in december. At first one was placed on another website that didn’t qualify, but now that has changed. Please let me know if I can still get the badge! Thank you. 🙂

  19. Hi Triond Team,

    Thanks a lot for the December bonus.

    Any encouraging plans for the New Year, ie, January? This will mean a lot to Triond writers. 😉

  20. I haven’t received my payment from August of 2009 til October of 2010.
    Triond please help me with this. I have updated my account already & I have informed you that I have changed my email address because I could not use my paypal account under my previous email address.

    But now everything is working. I have received my November, December 2010 payment & my January 2011 payments.

    Please triond help me with the other payments which I didn’t receive.

  21. I haven’t received my payment from August of 2009 til October of 2010.
    Triond please help me with this. I have updated my account already & I have informed you that I have changed my email address because I could not use my paypal account under my previous email address.

    But now everything is working. I have received my November, December 2010 payment & my January 2011 payments.

    Please triond help me with the other payments which I didn’t receive

  22. aww man i just started triond, i didnt even know about this until i looked up where i can get my poems published ! i should have looked it up sooner =/

  23. I thank you profusely for the wonderful service TRIOND pays.The
    writers are rewarded . I am indeed honored by the badges.
    This encourages the writing clan and keeps us going, ushering ahead.
    with regards

    1. It’s the first time I came here. You have a great, great blog, I realy like your stuff and your humor. Take a look in my “the dear hunter” I think you go to find semothing in common…Cheers

  24. I love the cute little badge. Please Triond, make more special events like this because just the thought of an extra badge somehow seems to motivate me more than anything else.

    1. I am quite a new user. I dont know waht is the badge about and earning as well.
      Please “Triond” help me in this regard

      1. Hi Sunny, badges are just souvenirs with bonuses. Triond gives writing challenges from time to time. Just check the Triond news fr time to time at your dashboard. Maybe by February they will announce another one. Well, have fun 🙂

    2. hello anik! i enjoyed wctahing america’s sweethearts too. kiki is a funny name. lol! i love julia’s role here cya kasi ang inuutusan dito parati. thanks for joining this week ha. next week, we will feature movies with the theme: Computer Geeks 101. hope to see you again nxt time. hugs! take care and happy tcp!

  25. I was not able to publish my last 2 articles last December so I only published 8…….. but thats OK, I have my bonus and my hat lol! Thanks Triond (sorry for the late post) he he 🙂

  26. Provides mid-term guidance for the first time, forecasting mid-single-digit percentage fall in core earnings this year; sales to be in line with 2012, excluding currency swings, although generic competition will eat into revenue by up to $3.5B. Sales growth to resume in 2014 and 2015.

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